Friends with Books e.V.
Art Book Fair Berlin
Choriner Str. 57
10435 Berlin
T +49 30 4172 5631
F +49 30 7001 431 227
Director: Vanessa Adler
Register Court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
Verein Registration Number: VR339 8 B
Responsible for content in accordance with ยง 6 MDStV:
Vanessa Adler, Savannah Gorton
(Address see above)
Disclaimer: The information provided on this website has been carefully checked and is updated regularly. However, no guarantee can be given that all information is always complete, correct and up to date. This applies in particular to all links to other websites referred to directly or indirectly. All information can be supplemented, removed or changed without prior notice.
Friends with Books is not liable for the content of external websites/providers, even if Friends with Books refers to these sites/providers.
Visual Identity: Studio Claus Due
Web Design and Programming: Spild af Tid